Thursday 24 January 2008

Social Pariah

Ethan has chickenpox. He has it bad. This means we are social outcasts.

If he had a mild dose that wasn't visible then nobody would be any the wiser. Some children are lucky and their entire experience of chickenpox comprises of about three spots. Ethan has approaching four hundred spots and a fair few of those are found on his face and hands.

People frown and raise eyebrows when a pox ridden child is seen outside in daylight.

From those who are pregnant and not immune I can understand this. In the early weeks of gestation there is a risk of complication for the 10-20% of women who are susceptible.

From those who don't have children, most will be immune and will be unlikely to catch it, and surely it would be better to catch it whilst fit and healthy rather than when the body is old and frail and less able to cope with disease.

From those who have children, I don't understand it. I have wanted my children to catch chickenpox as soon as possible after the six month milestone. I've always seen one of the benefits of nursery to be the opportunity to catch chickenpox. I had chickenpox aged 16 and I suffered. I would have preferred to have caught it sooner, and suffered less.

I wonder whether these people who look down their noses are thinking it's cruel to take a sickly child out of the home.

Well Ethan has just spent two and a half days indoors. He and I are going stir crazy. Normally we're always off out and about. So tomorrow we're planning an outing. Ethan will be looking his worst but he wants to go out. I'm considering adopting a Michael Jackson style veil for him.

Look out Essex!

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