People wonder why I don’t get more done.
It’s almost half eight and ideally this evening I will do the Tesco/Ocado/Sainsbury shopping online. I don’t know which service I’ll be using because it all depends which has a spare delivery slot for tomorrow afternoon.
Ideally I will also bake two batches of banana muffins to prevent the waste of the muffins in the dining room.
Also, I’ll grill some bacon rashers to make making a carbonara sauce just a little bit easier tomorrow.
My brother arrives in about an hours time so I’d better type quickly if I’m going to have time to have a chat with him too.
I left the house this morning at 7:40 and drove to the breakfast club. Having realised my phone was still at home, after dropping the children off I diverted back home.
Traffic was horrendous by this time but I still made it into work by 8:25.
I grabbed lunch at work to save time but then ended up staying at work too long after lunch.
I drove to Brentwood to pick up a reserved item and I also grabbed a birthday card while I was on the High Street.
When I got home I took the tablet I forgot to take this morning and then started tidying, cleaning, ironing and vacuuming. I made up two beds and printed some documents I need for tomorrow.
I put some (homemade) food which I’d defrosted into the oven and set the timer so it would be ready for the children as we walked in later. I also got some more food (homemade) out of the freezer for the adults.
I got the karate gear ready and put it in the car, chatted to the builder working next door about access to our garden, responded to a few work e-mails, phoned the council and phoned Lakeside.
I walked to school for 3:15, collected the children, came home and drove to karate.
After karate I drove home and at 5:30 the children were eating dinner after a ten minute blitz of bedroom tidying.
I sorted some washing, did some more cleaning, listened to Ethan read a book and at 6:30 the children were showering.
At 6:45 Dave and I were eating while the children assembled Lego.
At 7:15 Ethan went to bed and I started playing Uno with Hannah until she went to bed at 8:00.
I did some more cleaning and I’m now sat with you and I have a cup of tea next to me and at 8:40 I know that my list of things that should get done tonight is rapidly becoming a wish list.
I haven’t slept properly all week. I have programmes saved on the iPlayer that I’m not sure I’ll get time to watch.
I’m ratty and irritable and nobody understands.