Tuesday 17 February 2009

25 Random things about me

  1. My first name isn't Ann
  2. It's Carolyn
  3. The Post Office doesn't like or approve of this
  4. I wrote to my MP about the fact the Post Office won't let me have stuff addressed to Ann
  5. I am one of those people that might have died had it not been for a blood transfusion
  6. Ironically this means I can't now give blood
  7. I am a Black Country girl
  8. Who grew up in the West Country
  9. My favourite place in the whole world is Crater Lake
  10. I have done a parachute jump (tandem)
  11. I have done a bungy jump (not tandem)
  12. I decided I wanted to marry my husband on March 28th 1987
  13. He became my husband on December 4th 1995
  14. I was never sure I could or should be a mother
  15. I've taken Prozac
  16. Those last two are linked
  17. I have a very short fuse
  18. I'm loud
  19. And obnoxious
  20. I don't think I ever want to move house again
  21. I was on the other side of the world when my mum died
  22. My first pet was called Cheeky
  23. I have taken pole dancing classes
  24. I spend too much time online
  25. In pub quizzes my weakest subject area is music


v!sh said...

10 more random things about Carolyn:

1. She's got a website: anncardus.com
2. She keeps having electrical problems with her cars
3. She is part owner of a 1973 MGB
4. She likes gin & tonic - once in a while
5. She promised to put the video of her pole dancing on youtube, but hasn't
6. She has 6+ cups of tea/coffee in a day
7. She hardly swears ;)
8. She does not wear skirts to office
9. She's stuck with a dated Nokia
10. She wants an iPhone

BTW - your number 18 took me by surprise. I could have never guessed.

Ann Cardus said...

Who says I haven't put the pole dancing video on YouTube?