Thursday, 11 November 2010


I’ve got some posh poppies.

I gave up on paper poppies because, when worn, they last about five minutes before being trashed by the handbag on my shoulder.  I only gave up on wearing the paper poppy, I haven’t given up supporting the Royal British Legion.  As a child I used to accompany my mum in November going door to door collecting for the Legion.  I couldn’t possibly stop supporting.

Anyway a lot of people have commented on my poppies in a positive way.

My poppies were bought without any of the purchase price going to the charity so if you’re thinking of following my example, please carry on supporting in the way that you normally would.

But if you want a poppy like some of mine (I have three gorgeous poppies) then try the following sites and search for either poppy brooch or poppy corsage.

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