Wednesday 25 October 2006


I got angry today. I mean really angry. Something happened this morning and it was "light the blue touch paper and run for the hills".

I hate it when that happens, because although my emotions were provoked by someone else's actions, it was my decision to get angry. I've spent the whole day in a foul mood.

I could have just let it wash over me. I could have ignored it and focussed on something positive. Why did I get angry?

I felt cheated, I felt let down, I felt disappointed, but most of all I felt angry. I always try to tell Hannah that if she's feeling angry she should just try to stop feeling angry because her emotions are within her control. I suppose today had taught me that it's perhaps not that simple. Or perhaps not that simple for me. It could depend on personality type. I do have quite an explosive personality. I'm probably not very tolerant either (I can hear friends and relatives shouting "that's an understatement").

Anyway, the person who annoyed me, knows who they are, they know what they've done and they should know what they'd need to do to put things right. Don't know why I'm telling you this, they can't be bothered to read my blog.

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