Monday 9 October 2006


Feedback can be a good thing.

A while ago Tracey told me my hair was boring. It took me a while but I did something about it. OK I actually think it's still quite boring but it might be a tad less boring than it was. And Tracey hasn't said anything since.

I don't want you to think ill of Tracey. I would much rather someone was honest with me and told me what they thought rather than just being polite. Tracey wasn't telling me something I didn't know, but, without realising it, she spurred me into action.

Someone's noted that my more recent blogs seem a little rushed. I know they're right and I'm sorry. You deserve more. And maybe if I find I'm sat at a keyboard and it's 11:30 at night, and my batteries are running on empty, I'll turn the PC off and leave you in peace rather than type some useless drivel that won't entertain you for a second.

My boss told me that when I hand him 9 months worth of expenses in one go, he doesn't appreciate it. Again, I probably knew that. The difference here is that I am who I am and I find it difficult to get motivated to do my expenses, so my behaviour probably won't change as a result of his input. If he thinks he's hard done by he should talk to my husband.

I leave my filing at home for about 2 years. It's at that point that Dave boils over and offers to do it for me. We're getting close to the 2 year point soon and he has been hinting...

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