Monday 6 November 2006


There must have been something in the air today or I must have been giving off unusual signals (or maybe they're normal for me, I don't know).

First thing today I had an e-mail telling me about a mandatory online course I needed to complete, subject: Integrity.

Now I've done these before. I think it has to do with some American law and this helps us cover our collective arse. Anyway, you can't cheat and jump straight to the quiz at the end, they know you haven't read the content. I've also tried opening the content pages and moving on very quickly to the quiz. The system isn't dumb; it knew I hadn't spent enough time reading content.

Now I have no problem with proving that I have integrity but I do object to the assumption that I need training to know what behaviour is appropriate. So I may have let slip a few expletives. Not too unusual in an office environment I think you'll agree. The next thing I know, Denis is suggesting I'd be really good at working on adult chat lines. Frankly I don't see the link, but that was the start of my day.

So having completed the Integrity course and quiz, and achieving 100% (demonstrating integrity clearly isn't a problem for me), Julie pipes up that I must have slept with my computer. What? Now actually, if I'm rational about it and if you think about it, I am wedded to my computer but we do have separate bedrooms.

And then there was the coup de grace. I can't remember what prompted Kevin's contribution to the day but he suggested I had slept with my boss. Now Dave and I don't have red hair, but Hannah does, and so does my manager, Brendan. I don't want you jumping to conclusions but I can assure you that Brendan was not present at Hannah's conception.

So there have been several slurs on my character today and I'm not sure any were deserved. Now Ford does have an harassment hotline for employees. Do you think I should call or wait to see if the attacks continue?

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