Thursday 11 October 2007

Pidwigeon's other half

Things aren't going too well on the pigeon front.

Once again, last night when I arrived home I saw pidwidgeon, or what I thought was pidwigeon, outside being pathetic and sad next to the back gate.

When Dave got home we went through the now familiar routine of getting the step ladder out and lobbing pidgie back into the safety zone.

It was then that I realised that the pigeon with pathos I'd spied earlier was Pidwigeon's sibling. A closer inspection explained the pathos and it was clear that our unassuming lump of a feline had had a pop. Feathers from the back of the neck were missing.

We discussed wringing the neck as the most humane thing to do, but neither of us are good at killing things deliberately (the blue tit was an accident and slugs don't count). We opted for putting the damaged bird up behind the parapet with its sibling Pidwigeon.

This morning both birds were still safe.

This evening though the poorly bird was safe but the idiot Pidwigeon was again on the floor tweeting for a parent and when a parent bird appeared it was harassed for food.

Unfortunately Dave had reached the end of his tether and couldn't be bothered to give the birds another helping hand. And the birds didn't get a helping hand from me because it takes two and I'm not shinning up a ladder with both hands holding a pigeon without someone holding the ladder.

So tonight, Pidwigeon is taking his chances outside and his lame other half is still protected outside Ethan's bedroom window. Who knows what the situation will be in the morning. Whatever happens, nature is now being allowed to take its course.

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