Friday 28 September 2007


I know I've mentioned that there's a filthy rumour that our house is haunted but I'm beginning to wonder whether there's substance to the claim.

Things have been going missing for as long as I can remember but I've always put that down to my forgetfulness and untidiness.

Yesterday evening Hannah was transferring DVDs from a travel CD case back into the DVD cases. There was one (High School Musical) for which the case wasn't on the shelf, but I knew where it was. Hannah wouldn't have known where to put that DVD without having a case to hand.

This morning I asked her where the DVD was. I looked for the DVD (because a friend wants to borrow it for her children). I cannot find the DVD but Hannah assures me she saw it yesterday and couldn't find its case.

There are only a limited number of places where a Hannah could have put the DVD and I have almost, but not quite, turned the house upside down looking for it today. Nothing.

Could we have a cheeky poltergeist or is it just that my daughter has inherited my ready ability to misplace items?

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