Tuesday 18 September 2007

Test of reasonableness*

If a couple are married or co-habiting then should they act like a couple or act like a couple of individuals?

Let me give you a scenario.

If my husband wanted to go for a four hour bike ride on a Sunday morning, which of the following courses of action should he follow?
a) check with me that I don't mind
b) tell me that he's going without asking
c) just go and leave a note

I don't think this is a difficult quandry but let me give you a different scenario.

My husband knows that if he asks me if he can go for a bike ride, I'll likely say no because we've already arranged to go to the park with the children. He still wants to go for the bike ride. Which of the following should he do?
a) check with me that I don't mind
b) tell me that he's going without asking
c) just go and leave a note

d) tell me he has to go into work, but secretly go for the bike ride

I tend to think there is a test of reasonableness and that test runs along the lines of 'do unto others as you would have them do to you'.

But what would you do?

*any resemblance to any persons living is entirely coincidental (or similar caveat)


Anonymous said...

He should get up at 3.00am, go on bike ride and be back home for 7.00am wake up and Sunday with the family.
Its the obvious choice.


Ann Cardus said...

You see I know what Dave would do but this isn't about Dave.

Anonymous said...

So, what did said bike rider do??

Ann Cardus said...

Well the bike rider wasn't a bike rider and the scenario wasn't quite as outlined but anyway if he had been as described he did d).

Anonymous said...

He should discuss with his partner and establish a convenient time when he can go for his bike ride as the park visit would not take all day. Or even take the kids to the park on their bikes, kills 2 birds with one stone.

If that fails, get up before him and go off shopping for the day, just leave him a note !!

Ann Cardus said...

Bluewater isn't open until 9:00 on a Sat and 11:00 on a Sun... like the plan otherwise. :)

Anonymous said...

Well, that is pretty awfully hideous. By the way, I noted that Janie Hobbs in her comment said 'kill 2 birds with one stone' - is that where you got the idea from!!
