Friday 18 January 2008

By George, she's got it

A month ago the merest suggestion that we would acquire one of these products would be met by derision from the direction of the husband.

But I have harboured a secret desire for one of these gadgets for a while.

The January sales arrived and I did some secret research which, frankly, served to confound me.

And then I passed some on a shelf with some effective sale point of sale material. I forgot my research and succumbed to the marketing.

I bought George Foreman grill.

At this point if you're not laughing there's something wrong with you. I never thought I'd buy one...ever.

But I did, and you know what....we've used it lots. And the person who's keenest to plug it in...? My sceptical husband who'd never fall for any marketing ploy ever.

Yeah right!

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