Sunday 27 January 2008

Education is dangerous

Once again it was time for Education Sunday at church today.

You may remember I took Hannah last year.

This year Hannah thought it only fair that Dave take her. I did suggest that fairness might not come into it and perhaps she'd like to consider Dave's wishes, but she decided that fairness was paramount.

This is his report on the service which, remember, is all about Education Sunday.

The head of the junior school did some preaching of sorts. His theme, and he used these exact words, was "Education is dangerous." An interesting slant given that the congregation was for the most part comprised of children and parents and that the church was fit to burst with additional chairs being sourced to accommodate late comers.

He followed this pronouncement with a parable about mice who lived in a piano and who enjoyed the beautiful music which came from unseen hands. One day, however, an adventurous mouse went off exploring and found himself amongst the strings and hammers that produce the sounds of the music. He went back to tell his fellow mice the origin of the beautiful music. The unseen hand continued to play but the mice now credited the mechanics of the piano rather than the unseen hand.

I think you can see where he was going with that one. The unseen hand is always there even if you don't give it credit. It's dangerous to go off and explore and get an education because one might encounter evidence that contradicts belief.

So remember everyone "Education is dangerous."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At last - an honest Christian! How else will they spread the Word?