Thursday 31 January 2008

Public sector efficiency

Dad went into a care home today for respite care. Hopefully it'll just give him a boost and he'll be OK to go back home in a couple of weeks.

I'd spoken to the District Nurse and local Social Services and was fully aware of the plan for today.

What I didn't expect was a call from the respite care home. Apparently Dad turned up with nothing: no clothes, no toiletries, no glasses, nothing. The nice gentleman at the end of the phone explained this and just let this fact hang in the air. It was clear he wanted me to fix the situation.

At this point I explained I was 250 miles away. And I asked why it was that Social Services that managed the move didn't think about this before extracting Dad from his home. I explained that we can probably rectify the situation to some extent because my brother lives close by but I wondered how those without relatives close by would cope in such a scenario.

What kind of ineffective organisation is it that takes a man of 85 and leaves him in a new environment without necessities, let alone some home comforts?

To say I'm furious would be an understatement.

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