Monday, 21 January 2008

Coffee anyone?

There are many indicators emitted by those suffering from stress.

Some people put two watches on and don't really know how it happened. Others forget things that they would normally remember with ease. People can become snappy where normally they'd remain calm, or detached where they would normally be engaged. Not being able to get to sleep and waking up early are well known clues too.

But I have a theory. Of course I have a theory. This is a blog and if one can't pontificate from within the online confines of a blog then where can one?

I think too many or too few coffee breaks is a bigger sign. Too many coffee breaks and someone just can't face the work or the people or they need someone to talk to. Too few coffee breaks and they're so overworked they don't have the time to think about coffee or tea or food or water.

So the next time you're fetching yourself a coffee, spare a thought for those that have beaten you to it, or aren't going to make it.


Rana said...

Good theory. Makes sense. But how many is too few? How many is too many?

v!sh said...

I might miss the morning coffee today (no stress as I ain't in office)...LOL:)