Thursday 17 January 2008

Tasting ones own medicine

Hannah has been a thumb sucker from the age of six months. I've always thought that the ever portable, often clean, always available thumb was vastly superior to the plastic, often lost, often dirty alternative of the dummy.

A recent trip to the dentist has changed my view somewhat. The dentist said Hannah must stop using her thumb for comfort because she has adult teeth coming through. The outward pressure on the top teeth and inward pressure on the lower teeth can mean that incisors are pushed and pulled resulting in them moving away from their correct position. All of this could mean braces at a later date to correct things.

I never wore a brace as a child but I do remember envying Elizabeth Egerton the cool line of metal in her mouth. I think I tried to replicate the look for myself using a remodelled paperclip. Yuk. This doesn't stop me wanting to avoid braces for Hannah.

We tried constant nagging and after six months that hasn't worked. I have been threatening to visit a chemist and buy some evil potion to stop the habit but I've only recently followed through on the promise.

Putting the product "Stop" on Hannah's thumb nails was a challenge. It's a sort of wicked nail varnish that when dried and licked or sucked, tastes foul. One of the methods of persuasion we employed was that Dave and I would join Hannah and wear "Stop" on our thumb nails too.

So yesterday morning all three of us had worn "Stop" all night. Hannah reckons she sucked her thumb only three times.

Yesterday, several times, Dave and I both made the mistake of touching our respective mouths; consequently a tiny number of our taste buds were assaulted by the most foul lingering taste one can imagine.

I think Hannah will be cured by the weekend.

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