Tuesday 3 June 2008

Boys are rubbish

OK...Trevor didn't work out.

He walked funny.

He was a nice guy but he and she were incompatible. He hadn't been to Uni, she had. He had been stabbed, she hadn't. He had been prosecuted for drunk driving, she hadn't.

The summary of Trevor, and that did prove to be his real name, was "he's not people like us."

The other candidates at the moment are:

Blonde Adonis who has already scored a date at the Dorchester. He has a girlfriend working in Thailand but is quite interested in a bit on the side. There are two temptations here. The first is to have some fun because he's gorgeous. The second is to tell him where to get off because he's a slimeball. Decisions, decisions.

A date with a solicitor from Dublin has resulted in another date in the diary. Cocktail goggles improved this chap's attractiveness score improved but on the other hand he was "nice, charming, interesting, etc." Etc is never good, but we'll see if absence makes him sexy too.

There is Mr Bomb disposal who is exciting but only because of his job. He's a prospect right now and on the maybe meet list.

The last candidate drives a billionaire sheik as one of his jobs. He's proving to be a wonderful online candidate but we fear he is lacking in stature. He claims to be 35 and 5ft 10 but we think he might be lying about his height. Apparently boys do lie, especially on dating websites. But then we've known for a while that boys are rubbish.

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