Thursday, 3 May 2007

Lady of leisure

Today I lived like a lady of leisure, well sort of.

I had to do the usual of getting everyone out of the house at 8:30 ready with packed lunch, unsnotty noses and looking vaguely presentable and of course I had to get myself ready to leave the house, looking vaguely presentable (this is usually more of a challenge than getting the children sorted).

Then it was back to the house and tidy up the chaos and debris in the kitchen. Part of the mess was just the aftershock of breakfast but part of it was accumulated stuff from a few days of dumping stuff on worktops instead of putting it where it belongs.

Then it was off to Tumble Tots (mini assault course for mini terrorists/hooligans/little angels). Well it was Mel's suggestion at Tumble Tots that lead me astray. She said "Fancy lunch in town?" and quite frankly I did fancy lunch in town.

On days when I'm at home with Ethan lunch is 'at home' or otherwise in someone else's home. I never go out for lunch.

So we wandered up to the High Street and found ourselves in Cafe Uno. And when the waiter asked me what I wanted to drink I just couldn't stop myself from asking for a white wine spritzer. And when he asked me what dessert I wanted, it had to be chocolate. And when he asked me if I wanted another drink I had to say yes because I'd enjoyed the first one so much.

Now most people can cope with two glasses of wine at one sitting but it makes me a bit squiffy.

Mel came back to our house and Olivia and Ethan played nicely in the garden and Mel and I had a coffee: Mel because she wanted a coffee, me because I needed a bit of sobering up.

Anyway, I sort of imagined that in my squiffy state I was a bit like a lady of leisure.

But reality has begun to set in as I've done the school run and Hannah is home. The children are arguing, I didn't finish this morning's tidying and they'll want their tea soon which means more mess. Dave'll be home later and disappearing off to the gym which means I'm cooking, which means more mess and less sitting down.

At least the weather is gorgeous now and the effects of wine are still evident.

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